Monday, February 8, 2010

Just this once...I will take your two cents...

I have decided it was time to venture into the wonderful or not so wonderful(haven't decided yet) world of blogging. I have found myself to be quite the blog "stalker" in a good way not a creepy stalkerish way. So what the heck we'll give it a whirl. As with most things in is harder than it appears. I am not even sure how to add a picture, or even make it look half decent for that matter. So I am up for any and all suggestions, if you have any to give. This may be the one and only time I will ever ask for your two better give it while you can. But for now..I have a date in the living room with my youngest son Zacchaeus, we will be playing a hard core game of Super Mario Wii. Blessings to All!!!!


  1. SM Bros. on Wii is tremendous! I am not a” gamer” by any means (I never even had a gaming system as a kid)however my nephew brought it along on a trip to our house for the wiikend, It was quite addictive, after a few requests from the boys my wife and I joined in, we eventually took over and the boys gave up on trying to get their turn and went upstairs and played something else.LOL

  2. So, did you get the hard core game in? Will look forward to secretly stalking your blog. Thanks for letting me read your "story", and best wishes on the new writing ventures~
